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1AND1 Life: A Digital Platform Changing The Fitness World

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Fitness sculpts more than just the body, but the mind. Although there are plenty of spaces to go to get your body working, not all spaces are created equal. In a typical gym of fitness center, for instance, it can often feel intimidating walking in and feeling as though you have to be an athlete or of high caliber to reach your wellness and lifestyle goals.

The founders of 1AND1 Life are becoming a catalyst in the fitness world and doing their part to promote inclusivity. The goal is to make sure one doesn’t have to worry about this blocker and can instead focus on becoming healthy in ways that are comfortable for them.

Who is 1AND1 Life? 

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Corey Lewis, former professional football player, and Thomas Drew, Marketing and Branding expert, are Co-founders of 1AND1 LIFE. 1AND1 LIFE is a modern digital wellness and lifestyle platform whose mission is to make the best in wellness information and products accessible to all through community, curation, and content.

1AND1 Life works to cover the specifics of verticals such as fitness and wellness for their audience. Whether it’s about vitamins, activewear, fitness equipment, etc, 1AND1 provides resources to their readers with top-notch content. This content is created by a divergent group of individuals who have expertise in said fields.

How 1AND1 Life is Helping Others and Changing The Fitness World

A problem that Lewis and Drew saw is the rise of unfamiliar brands and diet trends surfacing and spreading endless amounts of information, leaving readers feeling overwhelmed with what they should trust and if they should invest their time and money into it. Through their library of content, the 1AND1 Life team is making sure that it’s easy for the readers to find what they need, eliminating the stress.

In addition to this, Lewis and Drew are intentional about including everyone as oftentimes the wellness and health industry are geared towards bodybuilders, sports stars, social media models, etc.

Although a relatively new brand, one that just celebrated its first anniversary, they’ve been able to do incredible work. In the last year, 1AND1 Life received their initial angel investment, launched a premium branded athleisure capsule on their site, recruited and built an expert team of doctors, financial wellness advisors and dietitians. In the midst of building this skilled team, they published 350+ piece of original content and received over 45,000+ unique readers in five months.

Since the launch of the site, 1AND1 started partnering with organizations such as Friends of UNFPA and The Black Lives Matter Global Network to provide support to women and black lives everywhere.

Get to know 1AND1 by heading to their site to read about the team and some of their recent blog posts. For all other news and updates, be sure to stay connected with them on Instagram and Twitter.
