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Why The AfroPunk Festival is Overflowing in Black Excellence

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First off – What the heck is AfroPunk ?For everyone that is still living under a rock or on the West Coast just waiting for Coachella , the Afropunk Festival or Festivals (now)  are a series of concerts that got started 12 years ago in Brooklyn, New York.  With some of the best acts in the world hitting the stage, it is now hosted in over 5 locations across the world including New York, Paris, London, Atlanta, and  recently added Joburg ( South Africa  ).

What is so special about Afropunk you ask?

It is probably one of the only concerts in the world where you can see 60,000 or more beautiful black Punks – yes Afro Punks  freely expressing themselves and promoting love, social issues, arts, and everything in between.



Why is  the AfroPunk Festival Overflowing  in Black Excellence ?

Consciously or subconsciously,  we try to put blacks into a box, into something that has rules that we must follow in order to be cool or accepted. We as a culture  must talk a certain way or behave a certain way in order to fit in. Even though we have come a long way, what the  movement and festival does is show us that there is no one way that blacks are supposed to look  or act like. No one way  our hair should look or feel like in order to be beautiful and excepted. That blacks can be and represent whatever our inner hearts desire.

It was probably festivals and movements like this one that led to some of the freedoms of self expression that we blacks enjoy now. I can remember a time where I would get made fun of for riding a skateboard. All of that has slowly changed, and now, Afropunk is  clearly pushing the narratives of the future.

This festival and the punk movement in general give confidence to push boundaries, be yourself, and make waves in a positive way.  So that is why all the AfroPunk Festivals are overflowing in black excellence.

Check out some more pictures below and go be yourself at the festival! Here are the remaining concert dates

