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Aubree Gordon: Speaking Up and Stacking Up

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The Young Voice: Aubree Gordon

2020 is much different than what any of us were expecting. From the passing of one of our beloved basketball stars who made plays on and off the court, to a worldwide pandemic and to the injustices that black women, men and trans lives are facing day in and day out. 

Many of us wonder if 2020 will have a turning point or a moment that doesn’t feel so heavy. Although it’s been a whirlwind of a year, communities are coming together to stand up and protest for the lives of black people, advocating and fighting for the basic human rights that we deserve.

We’ve seen this passionate fight through protests, signing petitions, sending emails to our local offices and more. Many of us have gone to social media as well to spread helpful information, to enlighten and to empower others through call to actions.  

Meet The Young Voice: Aubree Gordon

One of these powerful calls to action comes from a young woman, Aubree Gordon, who is using her words to express the heartache and heaviness about what it’s like to see her brothers and sisters being killed. Gordon, who was encouraged by her sister, took to Instagram to share a poem that she wrote in the night when she was struggling to sleep, unable to rest knowing what was going on in the world and something that was hitting so close to home for her.

In her brave and emotional message, while she expresses her sadness and anguish, she also encourages us to keep fighting and pushing forward although it’s hard. The video has over 11,000 likes.

The young voice, who is starting her freshman year of college this fall, is one of the many young and talented voices who is allowing herself to be vulnerable and talk about the challenges that are often difficult to speak about.

Although the world is heavy, seeing the younger generation continue to fight is encouraging and refreshing because it reminds us that we cannot give up. Since then, Gordon has been asked to speak at certain protests, sharing her poem, as well as writing an article on how to become an ally against racism. 

Gordon’s Small Business

The Young Voice: Aubree Gordon

When Gordon is not busy speaking up about racial injustices and inequalities, she is continually working on building her company. Gordon has a successful bakery that she owns. At a young age she began baking, and since her start, she hasn’t slowed down.

At 18 years old, she has created something so impressive from the versatility in what she can bake, from cupcakes to cake to macarons and more. Her passion for this exudes in her clean and beautiful decorations and she makes any client that she works with pleased and leaves them nothing short of impressed. 

Her future is bright and she is one of many who is making inspiring changes that we need to see. 

To learn more about her, visit her personal instagram profile as well as following her business profile to learn more about her bakery. Support this young voice and her black owned business
